Traditional assembly, integration and test (AIT) methodology can benefit massively from cross industry technologies, tools & processes. These have been matured to such a high level that they can be adapted and transferred to space to bring cost of AIT down for constellation projects or to compete with low cost locations.


  • Capture requirement at a operational, customer & investor levels
  • Design a preliminary NGEN-AIT to enable cost cutting through automation, reduction of NC & rework, lean processes for LV-HV products
  • Futuristic design and use of latest cutting edge technologies and researches
  • Bringing together engineering, science, financial and leadership disciplines to raise capital


Confidential until delivery

ongoing - icon


Digital backbone, automation, connectivity, IT infrastructure, digital twin, AI - icon

Digital backbone, automation, connectivity, IT infrastructure, digital twin, AI

Test consultants, digitalisation & automation engineers, senior management - icon

Test consultants, digitalisation & automation engineers, senior management

“We are extremely happy with the level of support and technical expertise provided by Spherea.”

Space customer